Prices can vary from £4.79 upwards, per tin. Full details in store.
Pellets and BB's Stocked:
- RWS .22/.177 (Superdome, Superfield, Super Point, Super Hollow Point, R10 Match)
- Webley .22/.177 (Accupell, Powapell)
- JSB .22/.177 (Diabolo Exact, Exact Heavies, Hades)
- H&N .177/.20/.22/.25 (FTT, Baracuda, Baracuda Match, Baracuda Hunter Extreme, Spitzkugel, Baracuda Green, 18, 15)
- Bisley .22/.177 (Magnum, Practice)
- BSA .22/.177 (Storm, Target)
- Remington .22 (Promethius)
- Sig Sauer .177 (Wraith - Copper)
- Umarex (4.5mm Steel BB's)
- Armex (4.5mm Steel BB's)
- Webley velocipell .177
- Gamo Lead 4.5mm BB’s
- Milbro (6mm .20 White Airsoft BB's)
- ASG .30 6mm
We can order in many other brands and types of pellets not shown here.